
I am Luke

An amateur web designer / developer, gym addict, food lover and tech enthusiast based in Edinburgh

Who am I

Hi! I’m Luke (its actually Łukasz). After slightly over 20 years of living and studying in Poland I decided to move to Edinburgh and study Software Engineering at Napier University. I was working as a chef full time and studying full time because the rent won't pay by itself. Yeah, it wasn't as fun as it sounds. After graduating I decided to continue working as a chef because cooking was making me happy. It still does, but I want to make use of my degree. I learned that I’m more into the design than programming, but I still like it, I just enjoy front end much more than back end.

2002 - 2005
Profiled High School

Pabianice, Zespół Szkół nr 1

2005 - 2008
Extramural Senior High School
IT Specialist / Technician

Łódź, AP Edukacja

2009 - 2013
Bachelor of Computer Science
Software Engineering

Edinburgh, Napier University

What I do

I build computers & fix mobiles

Buying parts, asembling and testing. There's no better feeling for a geek than to build a PC from scratch.

I make Android beautiful

I didn't really liked the stock look of Android so I've decided to make a theme. Quite a popular at the time.

I do web design & development

I love simple and minimalistic look, discovering and learning new things - especially whem comes to CSS.

I do some graphic design

Every designer needs a photo editor. I really enjoy using Photoshop and now trying to tame Illustrator.

I also cook

I've decided to continue working as a chef after graduating from the University. I just love food.

I just make things

If there is something I want to do - I will do it. I will just need some time to learn how to.

say hello

Send me a message if you want to get in touch